AG Tour Bus
We have created our very own Comment Cards for our Members to fill out and give to the Agent after home has been previewed.
Every member is sent our unique logo which we encourage you to place it on your Real Estate marketing materials to show that you are a part of this exclusive, elite, Organization.
Group Picture
We update our Group Picture 2 Times a Year to make sure that it is Current with our Membership. You will be notified when we will do it again.
Real Estate Coaching
Marketing Team
Open House Matchmaker
Our Members can post on our Facebook Page if they have a particular listing that needs to be sat for an open house. Members are asked to reach back to the Agents personally.
Video Marketing
Every Member receives a Video Presentation; this presentation has been used as a pre-listing presentation showing the magnitude on how well you promote both sellers and buyers. Many agents also use this video for social media purposes.
Some members request having their video’s more customized with their names and more video footage of them in this presentation. This is a free service provided by membership.
Signature Listings
Signature Listing in Spanish: We are expanding our buyer reach to have selected signature listings done in a Spanish format to widen our search radius and to service our Hispanic customers.